1939-1945 The Deadliest Years of the Century!

picture of hiroshima after the nuclear bomb had been dropped.

Hiroshima after nuclear bomb dropped.

About This Site

This site pertaines photos and information about World War 2 how it started and how it ended.

   World war 2 was fought by 2 powerful sides: The allied forces which included The United States, United Kingdoms, The red Army (Russians), canadians etc. And the Axis powers which was mainly nazi Germany and italy. The German army was ran by the dictator and ruler of germany Adolf Hitler AKA The Führer. In 1934 Hitler would become in power and thought it was time to expand german territory across europe and show the world Germany's true military power and invaded Poland on september 1st 1939. France and Great Britan were the first to declare war on Germany. Italy would attack northern Africa which included Egypt and western Africa, also attempted an invasion in greece but failed. Italy would not last long in there atempts of invading northern Africa. Due to poorly equiped soldiers and ingorence of there commanding general Benito Mussolini lead to the surrender of italy in 1943. Musssolini was then arrested by orders of  Victo Emmanuel III.

   Japan was originally at war with the republic of china called the second-sino Japanese war which was from 1937-1941, The Japanese were fighting a war of there own taking control of pacific and Oceanic islands, north east China, Korea, Indonesia, Philippines etc. After the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941, the Americans took it as violent act against America and as of december 8th 1941 the United States of America declard war on Japan in which turned into a greater conflict of World war 2 and was more commonly known as "The Pacific War". The battles took place on the Oceanic islands such as Guam, New Guinea etc.

The battles on the Eastern Front constituted the largest military confrontation in history. They were characterized by unprecedented ferocity, wholesale destruction, mass deportations, and immense loss of life mostly due to combat, starvation, exposure, disease, and massacres. The Eastern Front, as the site of nearly all extermination camps, death marches, ghettos, and the majority of pogroms, was central to the Holocaust. Of the estimated 60 million deaths attributed to World War II, over 30 million, many of them civilians, died on the Eastern Front. The Eastern Front was decisive in determining the outcome of World War II, eventually serving as the main reason for Germany's defeat. It resulted in the destruction of the Third Reich, the partition of Germany for nearly half a century and the rise of the Soviet Union as a military and industrial superpower.